How to push react code to Github in simple way
Step 1): npx create-react-app appname
Here “appname” could be anything eg:blog,netflix,googleclon,datalabsclone etc.I assume appname=blog
Step 2): Change the directory to : cd blog
Step 3):git init (commnd terminal)
Step 4): go to github website (You must have github account) Login in to github
Step 5):(go to github website)create new Repository by click on “New” button of “+” sign on top right corner
Step 6): Give the Name of Repository and Click on create Repository Button
Step 7): Copy :git remote add origin
Step 8): git add .(dot) (terminal command)
Step9):git commit -m “Your commit message” (terminal command)
step 10):git push origin master (terminal command)
Step 11): It will ask for username and Password of Github ( on terminal)
Step 12):Go to github and refresh the browser