Push code To git hub
if you don’t have Github account then create
command One => git init
Command Two (optional) =>To ignore files just create a new file called .gitignore (dot)
add file with name / text or /data.js
command Three => git add .(dot)
command Four (optional) =>git status
To work further you need to set global name
git config — global user.name “ you name”
git config — global user.email “your email”
command Fifth=> git commit -m “initial commit”
to check there is any file in the staging area
use command git status
after login Click on + icon on top right corner then=> select New repository => add new name to your repository click on =>create
copy the url from same repository
git remote add origin master https://github.com/Prafullkuma/Extra-assignment.git (paste you link)
git push origin master
it will ask for username and password
it will start pushing code to github go to github website and refresh